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Global Climate Strike 3/3/23

The March 3rd Global Strike:

March 3, 2023 Fridays for Future will be mobilizing around the world in a global strike. In New York City we will march and then congregate for speeches. We need you to show up, to mobilize your community, and to show big business and politicians we will demand climate justice. Please bring your friends, some water, and signs. 


  • Rally at 1PM near Foley Square

  • Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge

  • End at the steps of Borough Hall where there will be speeches and music

  • Please bring: signs, water, megaphones (if you have them), spirit!

  • Cosponsors: Sunrise, XR, Treeage, People's Climate Movement, NY Renews, March for Science, and more!

  • Over 30 students groups from local high schools and colleges will be attending

  • more to come...


What are we demanding?


Demand: New York state legislators must support, fund, and pass the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package created by NY Renews.

Why: NY State only gets 4-6% of its energy from wind and solar sources, and desperately needs to take just action on the climate crisis. The CJJP would rapidly decarbonize New York, make our state healthier and more equitable, ensure a just transition for workers, and help create an accessible green economy for all.

What must happen next: This package must pass the legislature and be signed by the governor before the end of the 2023 legislative session, and then be fully enforced. It will give state agencies the power, funding, and guidance they need to implement the Climate Act of 2019. It includes Climate and Community Protection Fund to finally fund and enforce the goals set out in the 2019 CLCPA, the Build Public Renewables Act to build large-scale renewable energy, the Climate Change Superfund Act to make polluters pay for the damage they are inflicting on our communities, alongside five more bills and proposals.


Demand: The United States of America must vote yes in the UN general assembly to request an Advisory Opinion on Climate Justice from the International Court of Justice.

Why: An AO would legally establish the importance of the climate crisis in relation to human rights, and promote intergenerational equity. In the Pacific, where this campaign originated, the rights to food and water are already compromised by the climate crisis. The current legal foundation protecting the rights of future generations in the US is weak and must be strengthened. An AO would provide more legal precedent for cases like Juliana vs. US or lawsuits against pipelines that currently must use health problems as proof of harm. Passing the AO would also encourage an international paradigm shift on climate action, bringing human rights to the forefront.  

What must happen next: The general assembly of the UN is voting on whether or not to request an Advisory Opinion on Climate Justice from the International Court of Justice in March. A simple majority of member nations must vote “yes” to request an opinion. The US is a key and influential voice in this fight. President Biden should immediately express his support for an AO and bring the United States to the right side of history.

How can you help?

If you are a high school student, email to become a school ambassador

If you are a climate organization, email / add yourself to the Action Network to become a cosponsor

Please be there and bring all your friends! 

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New York, NY

Check out the Fridays For Future International Website!

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